2021年8月6日 星期五

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2018新加坡弘法 Teachings from Singapore 2018



英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。




2018新加坡弘法 (2018/9/13-29)
Teachings from Singapore 2018

地點:Amitabha Buddhist Center, Singapore
主題:向觀音塑像獻金冠法會及開示 (2018/9/13)
Offereing the golden crown to the amazing Chenrezig statue
上師薈供釋論 Extensive  commentary on Lama Chopa (2018/9/15,16,22,23,29)
修心 Mind Training (2018/9/19)
灌頂前行開示 Teachings preliminary to the Amitabha long life initiation (2018/9/26)

E01. 20180913 (4:04:25) Benefits ofmaking offerings. Bath- and crown offering ceremony
EW01. 20180913 (4:04:25) Benefits of making offerings. Bath- and crown offeringceremony (獻供的利益;獻浴及寶冠法會)

E02. 20180915 1530 (1:55:03) Essentialpoints of Calling the Guru from Afar
EW02. 20180915 1530 (1:54:30) Essential points of Calling the Guru from Afar (

E03. 20180915 1930 (2:11:01) The realmeaning of what the Guru is and meaning of Guru Puja
EW03. 20180915 1930 (2:10:51) The real meaning of what the Guru is and meaningof Guru Puja (

E04. 20180916 1500 (2:25:57) Correctlyfollowing the virtuous friend by seeing guru as buddha
EW04. 20180916 1500 (2:25:46) Correctly following the virtuous friend by seeingguru as buddha (

E05. 20180916 1930 (2:14:03) Whycherish the guru as more precious than the numberless buddhas
EW05. 20180916 1930 (2:13:49) Why cherish the guru as more precious than thenumberless buddhas (

E06. 20180919 1930 (1:58:15) Benefitsof bodhichitta. The person helping us practicing patience
EW06. 20180919 1930 (1:58:15) Benefits of bodhichitta. The person helping uspracticing patience (

E07. 20180922 1500 (1:47:43) How the Icreates all our suffering. How to do lam rim meditation
EW07. 20180922 1500 (1:47:43) How the I creates all our suffering. How to dolam rim meditation (

E08. 20180922 1900 (3:01:23) Essentialadvice on most important practice. Guru ordinary aspect
EW08. 20180922 1900 (3:01:23) Essential advice on most important practice. Guruordinary aspect (

E09. 20180923 1500 (1:36:29) Kindnessof our mother. Six realms. Meaning of Jestun Lama
EW09. 20180923 1500 (1:36:29) Kindness of our mother. Six realms. Meaning ofJestun Lama (

E10. 20180923 1900 (2:11:10) Benefits,stories and quotes of how following the virtuous friend
EW10. 20180923 1900 (2:11:10) Benefits, stories and quotes of how following thevirtuous friend (

E11. 20180926 2100 (2:17:35) AmitabhaPure Land how to go there. Amitabha long life initiation
EW11. 20180926 2100 (2:10:31) Amitabha Pure Land how to go there. Amitabha longlife initiation (

E12. 20180928 1800 (40:37) What themost important things for FPMT for students are
EW12. 20180928 1800 (40:37) What themost important things for FPMT for students are (對學員來說,FPMT最重要的事是什麼)

E13. 20180929 1530 (49:30) How Buddhaliberates us. How samsara is created and continues
EW13. 20180929 1530 (49:30) How Buddha liberates us. How samsara is created andcontinues (

E14. 20180929 1930 (1:30:22) Sufferingin realms. Benefits of taking refuge and dharma centers
EW14. 20180929 1930 (1:30:22) Suffering in realms. Benefits of taking refugeand dharma centers (

EW15. 20180929 2100 (2:44:30)Suffering in realms. Benefits of taking refuge and dharma centers (六道的痛苦;歸依以及佛法中心的利益)

