Kopan Monastery November course 2018
地點:Kopan Monastery, Nepal
編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。
E01. 20181206 1530 (2:29:47) Our life is like a dream and sufferingcomes from the wrong concept of I.
EW01. 20181206 1530 (2:29:38) Our life is like a dream and suffering comes fromthe wrong concept of I. (此生如夢;苦來自「我」的錯誤見地)
E02. 20181207 1530 (2:34:40) About Emptiness, Bodhicitta, how to reciteMantra of Shakyamuni Buddha
EW02. 20181207 1530 (2:34:22) About Emptiness, Bodhicitta, how to recite Mantraof Shakyamuni Buddha (關於空性、菩提心;如何唸誦釋迦牟尼佛咒)
E03. 20181208 1530 (2:33:39) Importance of subduing one's mind. Most
important education for children
EW03. 20181208 1530 (2:33:13) Importance of subduing one's mind. Most important
education for children (調伏自心的重要;對孩子最重要的教育)
E04. 20181210 1530 (2:33:30) Overview over whole path to enlightenment.
EW04. 20181210 1530 (2:33:30) Overview over whole path to enlightenment. (概覽整個成佛之道)
E05. 20181211 1530 (2:28:32) How to meditate correctly on emptiness andfind the real I
EW05. 20181211 1530 (2:27:36) How to meditate correctly on emptiness and findthe real I (如何正確地禪修空性及尋找真正的「我」)
E06. 20181212 1530 (2:42:50) Meditate on Lamrim to become free fromsuffering
EW06. 20181212 1530 (2:42:45) Meditate on Lamrim to become free from suffering
E07. 20181213 1500 (43:06) Methods for walking meditation practicingawareness on emptiness
EW07. 20181213 1500 (43:06) Methods for walking meditation practicing awarenesson emptiness (行禪方法以覺察空性)
E08. 20181213 1930 (43:06) About karma- from one virtuous actions comesinconceivable results
EW08. 20181213 1930 (43:06) About karma- from one virtuous actions comesinconceivable results (關於業:由一個善行成為不可思議的果報)
E09. 20181214 1430 (3:12:46) Kindness of the mother. Holy objects. 12links of dependent origination
EW09. 20181214 1430 (3:12:46) Kindness of the mother. Holy objects. 12 links ofdependent origination (母親的慈恩;聖物;12緣起支)
E10. 20181215 1530 (3:08:49) 12 Links of dependent origination, wheelof life and how to be free
EW10. 20181215 1530 (3:07:52) 12 Links of dependent origination, wheel of lifeand how to be free (12緣起支,六道輪迴及如何解脫)
E11. 20181215 2030 (2:51:39) How benefit animals. Benefits of vows,taking refuge, practicing patience
EW11. 20181215 2030 (2:51:39) How benefit animals. Benefits of vows, takingrefuge, practicing patience (如何利益動物;戒誓的利益;趨歸依;修持安忍)
E12. 20181217 0830 (1:07:36) Long life puja offering (獻長壽法會)
E13. 20181218 1400 (1:09:52) Importance and benefits of Vajrasattvapractice
EW13. 20181218 1400 (1:09:52) Importance and benefits of Vajrasattva practice (金剛薩埵法門的重要性及利益)