2021年8月21日 星期六

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2017年柯槃11月課程開示 Kopan Monastery November course 2017

2017尼泊爾柯槃寺11月課程 (2017/12/5-15)
Kopan Monastery November course 2017

地點:Kopan Monastery, Nepal




編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。



E01. 20171205 1530 (2:38:49) Motivation for Kopan course. How everything comes from the mind
EW01. 20171205 1530 (2:24:28)
Motivation for Kopan course. How everything comes from the mind (柯槃課程之調整動機;每件事如何來自內心)


E02. 20171206 1530 (2:19:35) How to meditate and practice dharma by freeing your mind
EW02. 20171206 1530 (2:18:56)
How to meditate and practice dharma by freeing your mind (如何藉由解脫自心以禪修及修持佛法)


E03. 20171207 1530 (2:06:07) Four suffering results of karma. How to use problems on the path
EW03. 20171207 1530 (2:06:07)
Four suffering results of karma. How to use problems on the path (業的四種苦果;如何轉問題為道用)


E04. 20171208 1530 (2:18:14) Attachment is cause of all suffering. Worldly and holy dharma
EW04. 20171208 1530 (2:18:14)
Attachment is cause of all suffering. Worldly and holy dharma (貪欲為一切苦之因;世間法及出世間法)


E05. 20171209 1530 (2:32:43) Suffering comes from ignorance. Guru is the most powerful object.
EW05. 20171209 1530 (2:32:35)
Suffering comes from ignorance. Guru is the most powerful object. (苦來自無明;上師是最具力的對境)


E06. 20171210 1530 (2:05:12) About Bodhicitta. All suffering comes from cherishing the self
EW06. 20171210 1530 (2:04:56)
About Bodhicitta. All suffering comes from cherishing the self (關於菩提心;所有的苦來自愛惜自我)


E07. 20171211 1530 (1:34:38) Everything exists in mere name. Follow one dharma – Compassion
EW07. 20171211 1530 (1:34:38)
Everything exists in mere name. Follow one dharma – Compassion (任何事物僅以名言存在;依循一法:悲心)


E08. 20171211 2000 (1:41:44) Q and A: how meditate on Tonglen. Benefit of offering to holy object
EW08. 20171211 2000 (1:41:36)
Q and A: how meditate on Tonglen. Benefit of offering to holy object (問答:如何禪修施受法;向聖物獻供的利益)


E09. 20171212 1530 (2:10:16) What is the guru. Importance of correct devotion. Kindness of guru
EW09. 20171212 1530 (2:10:16)
What is the guru. Importance of correct devotion. Kindness of guru (什麼是上師;正確依止的重要;上師的慈恩)


E10. 20171213 1930 (2:13:18) Benefits of Prostrations. Refuge– what to abandon, what to practice (禮拜的利益;歸依:什麼該捨棄,什麼該修持)


E11. 201712141030 (2:26:18) LongLife Puja dedicated to the long life of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. part 1 (喇嘛梭巴仁波切長壽法會-1)


E12. 201712141030 (36:56) LongLife Puja dedicated to the long life of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. part 2 (喇嘛梭巴仁波切長壽法會-2)

E13. 20171215 1930 (1:35:10) Reason to practice tantra. Tonglen – giving part.

EW13. 20171215 1930 (1:35:10) Reason to practice tantra. Tonglen – giving part. (修持密續之理; 施受法:給予的部分)

