英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。
Teachings from Madrid 2019
地點:Nagarjuna Center, Madrid, Spain (2019/4/26-29)主題:大白傘蓋灌頂之前行開示
Teachings preliminary to the White Umbrella deity initiation.
E01. 20190426 1900(2:20:49) How to have a happy life with a healthy mind
EW01. 20190426 1900 (2:20:49) How to have a happy life with a healthy mind (如何具有健康心態的快樂人生)
E02. 20190427 1030 (2:05:56) Review session by Venerable Jesus Revert (由Jesus Revert 法師複習)
E03. 20190427 1900(2:01:32) Benefits of practicing White Umbrella deity
EW03. 20190427 1900
(2:01:32) Benefits of practicing White Umbrella deity (修持大白傘蓋的利益)
E04. 20190428 1030 (1:50:56) Review session by Venerable Jesus Revert (由Jesus Revert 法師複習)
E05. 20190428 1900(2:20:38) How to benefit someone who is dying and how to use life to benefit
EW05. 20190428 1900
(2:20:38) How to benefit someone who is dying and how to use life to benefit (如何利益臨終者,如何利用此生來利益自他)
E06. 20190429 1030 (38:01) Review session by Venerable Jesus Revert (由Jesus Revert 法師複習)
E07. 20190429 1900(1:45:47) Importance of practicing Dharma and pleasing the Guru
EW07a. 20190429 1900 (2:01:06) Importance of practicing Dharma and pleasing the
Guru part 1 (修持佛法及取悅上師的重要-1)
EW07b. 20190429 1900 (0:32) Importance of practicing Dharma and pleasing the
Guru part 2 (修持佛法及取悅上師的重要-2)