2021年8月2日 星期一

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2019法國弘法 Teachings from France 2019

Teachings from France 2019


英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示;若開頭字母C,則表示為中文口譯 (Chinese)。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。





Teachings from Vajrayogini retreat 2019
地點:Institute Vajra Yogini, France (2019/5/11 - 6/15)
teachings preliminary to the Heruka and Vajrayogini Initiations and during the Vajrayogini retreat

E01. 20190511 1600 (1:02:49) Thebenefit of still being alive is to practice dharma
EW01. 20190511 1600 (1:02:52) The benefit of still being alive is to practicedharma
C01. 20190511 1600 (1:02:50)

C02. 20190511 2000 (1:50:37) 一切皆來自業力,我們所經歷的一切皆依此

E03. 20190512 1430 (57:04) Reviewsession by Venerable Thubten Lektsok
C03.20190512 1430 (57:04)
Thubten Lektsok法師復習 (成美德中文口譯)

C04. 20190512 2200 (47:36) 上師示現凡夫相,引導我們成佛

E05. 20190513 1430 (1:13:05) Reviewsession by Venerable Tenzin Namjong
C05. 20190513 1430 (1:13:05)
Tenzin Namjong法師復習 (成美德中文口譯)

E06. 20190514 1700 (49:18) Reviewsession by Venerable Tenzin Namjong
C06. 20190514 1700 (49:18)
Tenzin Namjong法師復習 (成美德中文口譯)

E07. 20190514 2230 (2:33:33) Meditatingon emptiness and compassion is the real retreat

C07. 20190514 2230 (2:33:33) 觀修空性及悲心是真正的閉關

E08. 20190515 1100 (1:13:43) Reviewsession by Venerable Geshe Graham
C08. 20190515 1100 (1:13:47)

E09. 20190515 1430 (1:38:39) Reviewsession by Venerable Geshe Loden
C09. 20190515 1430 (1:38:39)

C10. 20190515 1930  (2:19:10) 根據佛教四宗觀修空性

E11. 20190516 1100 (52:34) Review session by Venerable Robina Courtin
C11. 20190516 1100 (52:35)
Robina Courtin法師復習 (成美德中文口譯)

C12. 20190516 1430 (1:47:54) 你的人生由你的心所造成;一切皆來自於心

E13. 20190516 1700 (32:32) Reviewsession by Venerable Rene Feusi
C13. 20190516 1700 (32:32)
Rene Feusi法師復習 (成美德中文口譯)

E14. 20190517 0500 (58:11) The incredible importance of Guru devotion and how to practice it
C14. 20190517 0500 (1:08:16)

E15. 20190517 2130 (59:40) The guru isnumberless past, present and future Buddhas.
C15. 20190517 2130 (59:40)

E16. 20190518 1430 (1:47:57) Review session by Venerable Geshe Loden
C16. 20190518 1430 (1:47:57)

C17. 20190518 2200 (1:53:42) 每日觀修空性;這是佛法的核心

E18. 20190519 1000 (1:03:10) Oral transmission of various Padmasambahava prayers
EW18. 20190519 1000 (1:00:20)
Oral transmission of various Padmasambahava prayers
C18. 20190519 1000 (1:03:10)

C19. 20190519 2000 (4:00:50) 祈請文金剛瑜伽母薈供;如何修持薈供及依止上師

C20. 20190520 1500 (1:59:57) 對於命障或橫死的不同處理法及修持

C21. 20190521 2000 (2:18:12) 菩提心的動機及再得暇滿人身的機會

C22. 20190522 2000 (1:11:35) 錯誤的見地和關於修持空性的正念

C23. 20190523 2030 (2:25:09) 藉由修持佛法及菩提心以照顧你的生命

C24. 20190525 1930 (4:11:43) 依止上師、暇滿人身、死亡無常

C25. 20190526 1930 (1:40:32) 苦來自於己心,最重要的是調伏它

E26. 20190527 2100 (3:23:07) Only berealizing emptiness you can be free from samsara
EW26. 20190527 2100 (3:15:47) Only be realizing emptiness you can be free fromsamsara
C26. 20190527 2100 (3:15:47)

C27. 20190528 2000 (1:10:55) 關於六道之苦,以及有情對我們的慈恩

C28. 20190528 2300 (1:08:37) 如何正確地禪修空性,以及可能產生的錯誤

C29. 20190529 2030 (2:30:48) 如何死;轉困難於道用;自我愛惜的過失

E30. 20190530 0000 (14:19) Dedication
C30. 20190530 0000 (14:19)

C31. 20190530 1930 (22:34) 菩提心是最佳的修法及最佳的淨障法

C32. 20190531 2000 (3:43:15) 上師的真正含義;每個行為都在利益你

E33. 20190602 2030 (1:04:40) Importanceof morality to avoid negative karma
EW33. 20190602 2030 (1:04:22) Importance of morality to avoid negative karma
C33. 20190602 2030 (1:04:24)

C34. 20190603 2000 (4:18:48) 讚佛的意義以及戒律的利益

E35. 20190604 2030 (43:37) Thebenefits of bodhichitta for all beings
EW35. 20190604 2030 (44:02) The benefits of bodhichitta for all beings
C35. 20190604 2030 (43:44)

E36. 20190604 2300 (18:43)
C36. 20190604 2300 (18:44)

C37. 20190606 1330 (1:11:38) 對僧伽的勸誡;對於保持出家什麼是重要

C38. 20190606 2000 (2:59:20) 生活於十善、捨棄十不善之利益

C39. 20190608 2030 (1:11:41) 關於菩提心,以及當沮喪時,珍愛他人會有所幫助

E40. 20190609 0000 (視訊32:18) Dedication
C40. 20190609 0000 (
視訊32:18) 迴向

C41. 20190609 2030 (1:13:32) 教導佛法的利益,即使只利益到一人

C42. 20190611 1330 (2:22:18) 為生病者修煙供及護法祈請文

E43. 20190611 2030 (1:15:01) Whatever activity you do, do with bodhichitta
EW43. 20190611 2030 (1:17:11) Whatever activity you do, do with bodhichitta
C43. 20190611 2030 (1:15:00)

C44. 20190612 2030 (2:59:23) 如何照顧有情,以及如何轉困難於道用

C45. 20190613 0930 (2:08:14) 正確地依循善友;上師薈供1 (成美德中文口譯)

C46. 20190613 1700 (3:24:38) 上師薈供2 (德欽法師領誦)

E47. 20190614 2300 (1:30:03) Torma Offering and tsog
EW47. 20190614 2300 (1:29:56)
Torma Offering and tsog
C47. 20190614 2300 (1:30:27)

C48. 20190615 1100 (2:14:50) 我們現在就能用此生命以成佛

C49. 20190615 1400 (1:17:47) 我們現在就能用此生命以成佛


Nalanda Monastery, France (2019/5/9, 6/22 - 6/23)

E50. 20190509 1900 (1:17:51) The incredible benefits of offerings, outlines the Mahayana path and praises Lama Tsongkhapa & his teachings. (供養之不可思議的利益;概述大乘道;讚提宗喀巴大師及其教法)

E51.20190622 1930 (2:28:22) Oral transmission of the long and short Namgyalma mantra, longest (middle and short) Chenrezig mantra and explaining the benefits of these mantra. (口傳尊勝佛母長咒及短咒、觀音最長咒、中咒及短咒;解說這些咒的利益)

E52.20190623 2200 (1:14:24) The reason for reading the Vajra Cutter sutra and Heart sutra, how important they are to realize emptiness. (讀誦《金剛經》《心經》的理由;它們對於了悟空性的重要性)


