2021年8月5日 星期四

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2018歐洲弘法之旅 Teachings from the Europe tour 2018



英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。




2018喇嘛梭巴仁波切歐洲弘法之旅 (2018/10/19-11/18)
Teachings from the Europe tour 2018

Teachings from the Europe tour 2018

地點一:Nagarjuna Center, Madrid, Spain
主題:轉念Mind training (2018/10/19-21)
灌頂前之開示 (2018/10/26-28)

E01. 20181019 1900 (1:37:04) Desire and suffering. How to practice patience
EW01. 20181019 1900 (3:08:48)
Desire and suffering. How to practice patience (貪欲與苦;如何禪修安忍)

E02. 20181020 1030 (2:15:50) Review class by Venerable Jesús Revert (Jesús Revert 法師複習)

E03. 20181020 1600 (2:05:34) Introduction to thought transformation and the benefits of it
EW03. 20181020 1600 (2:24:27)
Introduction to thought transformation and the benefits of it (簡介轉念及其利益)

E04. 20181020 1900 (1:55:10) Bypracticing thought transformation you are always happy
EW04. 20181020 1900 (1:59:32) By practicing thought transformation you arealways happy

E05. 20181021 1030 (2:16:24) Review class by Venerable Jesús Revert (Jesús Revert 法師複習)

E06. 20181021 1600 (1:43:32) Thepurpose of thought transformation and how to use in every day life
EW06. 20181021 1600 (1:44:06) The purpose of thought transformation and how touse in every day life

E07. 20181021 1900 (2:44:15) How toreally practice dharma and what that really means
EW07. 20181021 1900 (2:44:15) How to really practice dharma and what thatreally means

E08. 20181026 1900 (2:52:53) If youfollow compassion then everything comes to you
EW08. 20181026 1900 (2:52:25) If you follow compassion then everything comes toyou

E09. 20181027 1030 (2:37:15) Review class by Venerable Jesús Revert (Jesús Revert 法師複習)

E10. 20181027 1900 (2:56:56) How wecreate our samsara. How all is exaggareted by our ignorance
EW10. 20181027 1900 (2:58:37) How we create our samsara. How all is exaggaretedby our ignorance (

E11. 20181028 1000 (53:21) Review class by Venerable Jesús Revert (Jesús Revert 法師複習)

E12. 20181028 1700 (6:56:48) How totake care of your mind. Four methods to practice patience
EW12. 20181028 1700 (6:56:35) How to take care of your mind. Four methods topractice patience

E13. 20181102 1900 (3:49:08) Kindness of the enemy. Meaning of Shakyamunis name. Oral transmissions (敵人的慈恩;釋迦牟尼佛名號之含義;口傳)


地點二:Aryatara Institut, Munich, Germany
灌頂前之開示 (2018/11/9-11)

E14. 20181109 1900 (2:22:50) Purposeof life is being useful for others. Patience and contentment
EW14. 20181109 1900 (2:22:50) Purpose of life is being useful for others.Patience and contentment

E15. 20181110 1900 (2:14:14) Benefitsof cherishing others. Disadvantage of cherishing the I - part 1
EW15. 20181110 1900 (2:42:41) Benefits of cherishing others. Disadvantage ofcherishing the I - part 1
(珍愛他人的利益;珍愛自我的過患 - 1部分)

E16. 20181110 1900 (34:58) Benefits ofcherishing others. Disadvantage of cherishing the I - part 2
EW16. 20181110 1900 (31:42) Benefits of cherishing others. Disadvantage ofcherishing the I - part 2
(珍愛他人的利益;珍愛自我的過患 - 2部分) 

E17. 20181111 1800 (48:29) part1 -Advice the children and parents. How to use problems on the path
EW17. 20181111 1800 (48:29) part1 - Advice the children and parents. How to useproblems on the path
(1部分 - 對孩童及父母的勸誡;如何轉困難為道用)

E18. 20181111 1800 (1:50:37) part2 -Advice the children and parents. How to use problems on the path
EW18. 20181111 1800 (1:50:37) part2 - Advice the children and parents. How touse problems on the path (
2部分 - 對孩童及父母的勸誡;如何轉困難為道用)

地點三:Longku Center, Bern, Switzerland
主題:善用人類潛能 (2018/11/13)

E19. 20181113 1900 (2:42:20) Precioushuman rebirth. 4 results of karma. Why practice patience
EW19. 20181113 1900 (2:42:20) Precious human rebirth. 4 results of karma. Whypractice patience (

地點四:Gendun Drupa Center, Martigny, Switzerland
主題:轉念 Mind training (2018/11/16-17)
隨許灌頂前之開示 (2018/11/18)

E20. 20181116 1915 (2:32:39) Sufferingand enlightenment comes from the mind. What is the mind
EW20. 20181116 1915 (2:32:45) Suffering and enlightenment comes from the mind.What is the mind

E21. 20181117 1130 (1:31:19) Reviewclass by Venerable Losang (Losang法師複習)

E22. 20181117 1600 (1:54:08) Differenceof holy and wordly dharma. Importance of renunciation
EW22. 20181117 1600 (1:57:22) Difference of holy and wordly dharma. Importanceof renunciation

E23. 20181117 1930 (2:47:21) Themistaken concept of I is the cause of all our suffering
EW23. 20181117 1930 (2:47:34) The mistaken concept of I is the cause of all oursuffering (

E24. 20181118 1130 (1:32:41) Reviewclass by Venerable Losang (Losang法師複習)

E25. 20181118 1600 (1:39:34) Historyof the spirit Dolgyal. How to see a mistakes of the guru
EW25. 20181118 1600 (1:39:41) History of the spirit Dolgyal. How to see amistakes of the guru

E26. 20181118 2000 (53:56) Creation ofthe I. How to react to anger. Importance of the enemy
EW26. 20181118 2000 (53:56) Creation of the I. How to react to anger.Importance of the enemy

