2021年8月18日 星期三

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2018澳洲閉關弘法開示集 Teachings from Australia 2018


2018澳洲弘法之旅 (2018/3/31-6/6)

Teachings from Australia 2018



仁波切開示時,瓊.尼西爾法師(Ven. Joan Nicell)現場即席打字,並且有數位資深的閉關學員修正打字稿內容,以方便非英語系國家的學員。

下面視訊依開示日期排列,開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。



地點一:Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, Bendigo (2018/3/31-5/12)

E01. 201804011600 (2:11:20) Motivation of starting retreat. We are here totransform the mind
EW01. 20180401 1600 (2:15:36) Motivation of starting retreat. We arehere to transform the mind (







E09. 20180404 1930 (1:01:45) Meditation on Four immeasurables. Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga (禪修四無量;宗喀巴上師相應法)





E13. 20180406 0930 (55:16) Important following lineage of chanting. Origins of "Lama Sangye" (依循傳承唱調之重要性;「上師即佛… 」的起源)



























E41. 20180422 1930 (2:00:26) Real meaning of Lama. Commentary first verse Calling Guru from Afar
EW41. 20180422 1930 (2:00:26)
Real meaning of Lama. Commentary first verse Calling Guru from Afar (上師的真正含義;遙呼上師第一偈的講解)


E42. 20180423 1600 (2:16:12) Commentary on the five powers
EW42. 20180423 1600 (2:23:39) Commentary on the five powers


E43. 20180424 1100 (34:13) The best way to die. Importance of patience and best daily prayer
EW43. 20180424 1100 (54:27)
The best way to die. Importance of patience and best daily prayer (最佳的死法;安忍的重要以及最佳的日常課誦)


E44. 20180424 1600 (1:56:33) What practice at the time of death.Incredible qualities of Buddha
EW44. 20180424 1600 (1:59:42) What practice at the time of death. Incredible qualitiesof Buddha (


E45. 20180425 0930 (1:10:51) The importance of Lama Chopa as a quick path to enlightenment
EW45. 20180425 0930 (2:33:44)
The importance of Lama Chopa as a quick path to enlightenment (上師薈供的重要性如同成佛的迅速道)


E46. 20180425 1600 (28:40) Essence of what to meditate on during Lama Chopa tsog
EW46. 20180425 1600 (1:40:27)
Essence of what to meditate on during Lama Chopa tsog (於上師薈供之措供時觀修的精髓是什麼)


E47. 20180426 1100 (43:06) Where consciousness can be found. Story of Rinpoche's dog
EW47. 20180426 1100 (47:30)
Where consciousness can be found. Story of Rinpoche's dog (哪裡能發現意識;仁波切的狗的故事)


E48. 20180426 1600 (1:35:09)
EW48. 20180426 1600 (1:35:20) (
時間依英文字幕,而標題日期載為20180426 1930)


E49. 20180426 1930 (2:18:36) Rejoycing in Lama Tsongkhapa. The benefits of a person abusing you
EW49. 20180426 1930 (2:37:38)
Rejoycing in Lama Tsongkhapa. The benefits of a person abusing you (隨喜宗喀巴大師;辱罵你的人之利益)


E50. 20180427 1600 (1:53:48) Why benefit sentient beings. Motivationfor Bodhisattva vows
EW50. 20180427 1600 (1:52:27) Why benefit sentient beings. Motivation forBodhisattva vows


E51. 20180427 1930 (2:45:23) Bodhisattva Vows with 7 limb andexplanation on prostrations
EW51. 20180427 1930 (2:49:53) Bodhisattva Vows with 7 limb and explanation onprostrations (


E52. 20180428 1930 (2:22:54) Benefits of prostrations. Learning dharma. Essence is lamrim
EW52. 20180428 1930 (2:28:15)
Benefits of prostrations. Learning dharma. Essence is lamrim (禮拜的利益;學習佛法;精髓是道次第)


E53. 20180429 1600 (1:45:18) Why purify obscurations. Most importantpractice is the good heart
EW53. 20180429 1600 (2:10:02) Why purify obscurations. Most important practiceis the good heart (


E54. 20180429 1930 (2:45:44) Why reflect on your own death andimpermanence
EW54. 20180429 1930 (2:51:52) Why reflect on your own death and impermanence


E55. 20180502 1600 (1:32:00) Benefits of the Vajra Cutter Sutra and Prajnaparamita
EW55a. 20180502 1600 (25:15)
Benefits of the Vajra Cutter Sutra and Prajnaparamita p1 (金剛經和般若經的利益-1)
EW55b. 20180502 1600 (1:11:21)
Benefits of the Vajra Cutter Sutra and Prajnaparamita p2 (金剛經和般若經的利益-2)


E56. 20180505 1930 (2:43:21) Benefits of holy objects. Oral transmission of Vajra Cutter Sutra
EW56. 20180505 1930 (2:49:20)
Benefits of holy objects. Oral transmission of Vajra Cutter Sutra (聖物的利益;口傳金剛經)


E57. 20180506 2000 (1:54:04) Commentary Wheel of Life. Memories Lama Yeshe and his passing away
EW57. 20180506 2000 (1:54:35)
Commentary Wheel of Life. Memories Lama Yeshe and his passing away (講解六道輪迴;憶念耶喜喇嘛及其圓寂)


E58. 20180508 1600 (1:08:56) How to develop and practice patience
EW58. 20180508 1600 (1:09:23) How to develop and practice patience


E59. 20180509 1600 (1:53:32) Tara liberates. What is suffering andwho is Tara
EW59. 20180509 1600 (1:57:04) Tara liberates. What is suffering and who isTara (


E60. 20180509 1930 (38:22) Wherever you visualize buddha there is buddha
EW60. 20180509 1930 (43:00)
Wherever you visualize buddha there is buddha (你在何處觀想佛,佛就在那裡)


E61. 20180510 0930 (2:15:40) Lama Chopa Jorcho and Tsog and short oral transmission
EW61. 20180510 0930 (2:16:12)
Lama Chopa Jorcho and Tsog and short oral transmission (結合前行之上師供養法及簡短口傳)


E62. 20180510 1600 (1:28:26) The danger of anger. We need someonewho is angry at us
EW62. 20180510 1600 (1:39:32) The danger of anger. We need someone who isangry at us


E63. 20180510 1930 (29:14) Danger of getting angry and not practicing patience (生起瞋心以及不修安忍的危險)


E64. 20180511 0930 (2:13:41) 12 Links.Transmission of 35 Buddhas, Medicine Buddha and Vajrasattva
EW64. 20180511 0930 (2:13:41) 12 Links.Transmission of 35 Buddhas, Medicine Buddha and Vajrasattva (12緣起;傳授35佛、藥師佛、金剛薩埵)


E65. 20180512 0930 (3:44:40) Lama Zopa Rinpoche long life puja
EW65. 20180512 0930 (6:02:08) Lama Zopa Rinpoche long life puja (


地點二:Chag Tong Chen Tong, Hobart, Tasmania (2018/5/25-27)

E66. 20180525 1600 (1:50:02) Eight verses of Tought Transformation. Thepotential of every mind
EW66. 20180525 1600 (1:50:02) Eight verses of Tought Transformation. Thepotential of every mind (


E67. 20180525 1930 (2:28:30) Lojong is utilizing whatever youexperience on the path (標題載為20180526 1600)
EW67. 20180525 1930 (2:29:00)
Lojong is utilizing whatever you experience on the path (利用你在道上所經驗的一切來修心)


E68. 20180526 1600 (2:23:24) Verse one of Thought Transformation: Holdothers more dear than oneself
EW68. 20180526 1600 (2:23:24)
Verse one of Thought Transformation: Hold others more dear than oneself (修心偈頌之一:執他有情更勝於珍惜自己)


E69. 20180526 2030 (2:40:12) Verse three of the Eight Verses of ThoughtTransformation
EW69. 20180526 2030 (2:40:12)
Verse three of the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation (修心八偈之3)


E70. 20180527 1600 (2:06:04) How to meditate on everything coming fromyour mind
EW70. 20180527 1600 (2:06:04) How to meditate on everything coming from yourmind


E71. 20180527 2030 (2:53:49) Commentary on verse 4,5,6,7 of 8 Verses ofThought Transformation
EW71. 20180527 2030 (2:53:49) Commentary on verse 4,5,6,7 of 8 Verses ofThought Transformation (


地點三:Chenrezig Institute, Eudlo, Queensland (2018/6/1-4)

E72. 20180601 1900 (2:50:14) What is I? How it appears and how wecreate the root of samsara
EW72. 20180601 1900 (2:51:18) What is I? How it appears and how we create theroot of samsara (


E73. 20180602 1900 (3:44:02) The essence of Buddhas teachings
EW73. 20180602 1900 (3:43:49) The essence of Buddhas teachings


E74. 20180603 1900 (2:07:40) Every action thinking of this lifehappiness is cause of suffering
EW74. 20180603 1900 (2:07:40) Every action thinking of this life happiness iscause of suffering (


E75. 20180604 1030 (1:13:14) Because of the kindness of Padmasambhavayou have met the Dharma
EW75. 20180604 1030 (1:13:14) Because of the kindness of Padmasambhava you havemet the Dharma


E76. 20180606 1600 (2:28:27) Advices for FPMT Hospices (FPMT之臨終關懷的勸誡)

