2019年9月4日至10月27日俄國弘法Teachings from Russia 2019
英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示;若開頭字母C,則表示為中文口譯 (Chinese)。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。這次大部分是英語檔,少數幾場有德欽法師的中文口譯,沒有英文字幕檔。中文標題是我自己加的,視訊無中文名稱。
E27. 20191027 1830 (2:22:06) LZRGTL -
Importance to protect karma. Benefits of taking refuge. (保護業很重要;歸依的利益)
E26. 20191027 1600
(1:38:10) LZR GTL - How to correctly realize emptiness. Dangers that can happen (如何正確地瞭解空性;可能發生的危險)
E25. 20191026 1600 (55:16) LZR GTL - If
you want to have success in your life help others and what is ‘I’? (如果想要你的人生成功,幫助別人;什麼是「我」)
E24. 20191025 1930
(1:28:50) LZR GTL - Kindness of the enemy. Why pratice patience. Everything
comes from your mind
C24. 20191025 1930 (1:29:59) LZR GTL -
Kindness of the enemy. Why pratice patience. Everything comes from your mind (敵人的慈恩;為何要修習安忍;每件事皆來自自心)
E23. 20191023 1900 (48:24) LZR GTL - Guru
Puja. How to make correct prayers. Importance of tong-len, bodhichitta (上師薈供;如何正確的祈願;施受法、菩提心的重要性)
E22. 20191020 1100
(1:00:33) LZR LAGAN - 7 virtues and how everything comes from your mind (七種美德;每件事如何來自自心)
E21. 20191019 1800 (30:37) LZR GASB - Oral
Transmission "Method to Transform the Mind" practice. Blessing speech
C21. 20191019 1800
(2:24:29) LZR GASB - Oral Transmission "Method to Transform the Mind"
practice. Blessing speech (修持《轉念法》;語加持)
E20. 20191019 1400 (1:04:28) LZR GASB -
Benefits of taking care of animals and animal blessing (照顧動物的利益及加持動物)
E19. 20191018 1700
(1:11:37) LZR GASB - Benefits of doing Nyung Na’s retreats and100 million Mani
retreats (禁飲食齋閉關以及一億遍的六字大明咒閉關之利益)
C18. 20191018 0700
(37:16) LZR GASB - Lama Chopa led by Monastery Umze (上師薈供,由Umze寺院領誦)
E17. 20191017 1700
(1:35:34) LZR GASB - What is needed to achieve shamatha, dangers and importance
to achieve that
C17. 20191017 1700
(2:42:14) LZR GASB - What is needed to achieve shamatha, dangers and importance
to achieve that (證得安止需要什麼,危險以及獲證的重要)
E16. 20191016 1700
(1:23:26) LZR GASB - What the I is. How it appears. Living in a hallucination.
How to be free
C16. 20191016 1700
(2:17:01) LZR GASB - What the I is. How it appears. Living in a hallucination.
How to be free (「我」是什麼;它如何顯現;生活在幻相中;如何解脫)
E15. 20191015 1700 (1:13:45) LZR GASB -
Kindness of the enemy and sentient beings, they bring us to enlightenment
C15. 20191015 1700
(2:06:46) LZR GASB - Kindness of the enemy and sentient beings, they bring us
to enlightenment (敵人以及眾生的慈恩;他們使我們成佛)
E14. 20191014 1700 (1:05:08) LZR GASB -
Importance to keep your mind in mindfulness of emptiness in everyday life
C14. 20191014 1700
(1:57:23) LZR GASB - Importance to keep your mind in mindfulness of emptiness
in everyday life (於日常生活中保持自心於正念的重要性)
C13. 20191014 0700 (1:29:00) LZR GASB -
Lama Chopa led by Geshe Tenzin Zopa (上師薈供,由滇津梭巴格西領誦)
E12. 20191013 1800 (1:19:04) LZR GASB -
What is needed to realize emptiness
C12. 20191013 1800
(2:22:14) LZR GASB - What is needed to realize emptiness (了悟空性需要什麼)
E11. 20191012 1700 (1:26:35) LZR GASB -
Meditations on emptiness. How to keep this mindfulness in everyday life
C11. 20191012 1700
(2:26:32) LZR GASB - Meditations on emptiness. How to keep this mindfulness in
everyday life (禪修空性;如何於日常生活中保持正念)
E10. 20191010 1700 (1:34:08) LZR GASB -
How we create the root of samsara. How to discover the truth of your life.
C10. 20191010 1700
(2:33:41) LZR GASB - How we create the root of samsara. How to discover the
truth of your life. (我們如何造下輪迴之根;如何發現你生命的真相)
E9. 20191009 1700 (1:23:55) LZR GASB -
The real meaning of Guru Yoga. What the Guru really is.
C9. 20191009 1700
(2:30:58) LZR GASB - The real meaning of Guru Yoga. What the Guru really is. (上師相應法的真義;什麼是真正的上師) (由智海法師中文口譯)
E8. 20191009 0700 (13:35) LZR GASB - Why
to do Lama Chopa and the incredible qualities of Lama Chopa
C8. 20191009 0700 (1:29:55) LZR GASB -
Why to do Lama Chopa and the incredible qualities of Lama Copa (為何要修上師薈供,以及上師薈供之難以置信的功德)
E7. 20191008 1700 (1:22:15) LZR GASB -
How the I exists. We are the creator of our own samsara/nirvana
C7. 20191008 1700
(2:26:25) LZR GASB - How the I exists. We are the creator of our own samsara/nirvana (「我」如何存在;我們是自己之輪迴或涅槃之創造者)
E6. 20191007 1700 (49:54) LZR GASB -
Dangers of practicing Dolgyal. How to think seeing mistakes in the Guru.
C6. 20191007 1700 (1:54:04)
LZR GASB - Dangers of Dolgyal. How to think seeing mistakes in the Guru.
CHINESE (凶天的危險;見到上師的錯誤時如何思惟)
E5. 20191007 0700 (15:26) LZR GASB -
Importance and significance of Lama Chopa
C5b. 20191007 0700 (1:30:34) LZR GASB -
Importance and significance of Lama Chopa part 2/2
C5a. 20191007 0700 (0:46) LZR GASB -
Importance and significance of Lama Chopa part 1/2 (上師薈供的重要性及意義)
E4. 20191006 1900 (1:10:08) LZR GASB -
Meaning OM MANI PADME HUM. Harm of getting angry. Fortunate we met dharma
C4. 20191006 1900
(2:41:07) LZR GASB - Meaning OM MANI PADME HUM; harm of getting angry;
fortunate we met dharma (嗡瑪尼貝美吽的含義;生氣的危害;我們幸運值遇佛法)
E3. 20191005 1930
(1:13:15) LZR GASB - Benefits of compassion and Chenrezig mantra
C3. 20191005 1930
(2:23:59) LZR GASB - Benefits of compassion and Chenrezig mantra CHINESE (悲心及觀音真言的利益)
E2. 20191004 1930 (1:16:14) LZR GASB -
Benefits of practicing compassion. How to take care of your life (修持悲心的利益;如何照顧你的生命)
E1. 20190929 1600 (1:44:07) LZR GTL - How
to benefit animals and animal blessing in Moscow, Russia (如何利益動物,以及加持俄國莫斯科之動物)