新加坡弘法-2019/9/6-22Teaching from ABC Singapore 2019
(English),EW表示有英文字幕 (Scripted English),C表示中文口譯 (Chinese)。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。
E17. 20190924 1930 (3:32:49) Lama Chopa and Tsog led by Ven.Dechen (上師薈供,由德欽法師領誦)
E16. 20190922 1130 (3:39:16) Long lifepuja with Lama Chopa and 16 Arhants
EW16. 20190922 1130 (3:39:14) Long life puja with Lama Chopa and 16 Arhantswith TRANSCRIPT
C16. 20190922 1130 (3:39:16) Long life puja with Lama Chopa and 16 Arhants
CHINESE 結合上師薈供及十六羅漢之長壽法會
E15. 20190922 0800 (1:04:07) Benefitof a long life is that you can cherish others
EW15. 20190922 0800 (1:04:07) Benefit of a long life is that you can cherishothers TRANSCRIPT
C15. 20190922 0800 (1:04:07) Benefit of a long life is that you can cherish
others 長壽的利益,你可以珍愛他人
E14. 20190921 1600 (55:33) Think theGuru is more special even than Vajradhara
EW14. 20190921 1600 (55:32) Think the Guru is more special even than VajradharaTRANSCRIPT
C14. 20190921 1600 (55:33) Think the Guru is more special even than Vajradhara
CHINESE 思惟上師是甚至比金剛持更特殊
E13. 20190919 1930 (4:41:11) Hayagriva
Puja & 1000 offerings to Hayagriva for the whole world
EW13. 20190919 1930 (4:22:46) Hayagriva Puja & 1000 offerings to Hayagriva
for the whole world with TRANSCRIPT
C13. 20190919 1930 (4:41:11) Hayagriva Puja & 1000 offerings to Hayagriva
for the whole world 馬頭明王薈供及為全世界而獻馬頭明王千供
E12. 20190918 1930 (1:12:27) Kindness
of mother & correctly relying on the guru
EW12. 20190918 1930 (1:12:27) Kindness
of mother & correctly relying on the guru TRANSCRIPT TRANSCRIPT
C12. 20190918 1930 (1:12:27) Kindness
of mother & correctly relying on the guru CHINESE 母有情的慈恩及正確依止上師
E11. 20190917 1730 (1:59:40) Meditation
on four immeasurables. Benefits of working at a center
EW11. 20190917 1730 (1:59:39) Meditation
on four immeasurables. Benefits of working at a center TRANSCRIPT
C11. 20190917 1730 (1:59:40) Meditation
on four immeasurables. Benefits of working at a center CHINESE 禪修四無量心,在中心工作之利益
E10. 20190915 1500 (3:42:40) Offering
service to the Guru
EW10. 20190915 1500 (3:42:40) Offering
service to the Guru with TRANSCRIPT
C10. 20190915 1500 (3:42:40) Offering
service to the Guru CHINESE 供養承事上師
E09. 20190914 1830 (2:16:32) Benefit of
correctly following the virtuous friend
EW09. 20190914 1830 (2:16:32) Benefit
of correctly following the virtuous friend TRANSCRIPT
C09. 20190914 1830 (2:16:32) Benefit
of correctly following the virtuous friend CHINESE 如理遵循善友的利益
E08. 20190914 1600 (1:18:29) Importance of Guru devotion
EW08. 20190914 1600 (1:18:30) Importance of Guru devotion
C08. 20190914 1600 (1:18:29) Importance of Guru devotion
CHINESE 依止上師的重要性
E07. 20190913 1930 (1:52:14) Lamrim
is the key to all the Dharma
EW07. 20190913 1930 (1:52:14) Lamrim
is the key to all the Dharma with TRANSCRIPT
C07. 20190913 1930 (1:52:14) Lamrim
is the key to all the Dharma CHINESE 道次第是所有佛法的關鍵
E06. 20190911 1930 (1:48:12) Importance
to practice dhama when difficulties come
EW06. 20190911 1930 (1:48:11) Importance
to practice dhama when difficulties come TRANSCRIPT
C06. 20190911 1930 (1:48:12) Importance
to practice dhama when difficulties come CHINESE 當困難來臨時修持佛法的重要性
E05. 20190908 1900 (55:35) How to use
difficult situations on the path
EW05. 20190908 1900 (55:41) How to use
difficult situations on the path TRANSCRIPT
C05. 20190908 1900 (55:35) How to use
difficult situations on the path CHINESE 如何利用困難的狀況於道上
E04. 20190908 1600 (2:24:40) Practicing
Lamrim is how to take care of your mind
EW04. 20190908 1600 (2:24:40) Practicing
Lamrim is how to take care of your mind with TRANSCRIPT
C04. 20190908 1600 (2:24:40) Practicing
Lamrim is how to take care of your mind CHINESE 修持道次第就是如何照顧你的心
E03. 20190907 1830 (2:07:35) Anger is
your main enemy
EW03. 20190907 1830 (2:07:35) Anger is
your main enemy with TRANSCRIPT
C03. 20190907 1830 (2:07:35) Anger is
your main enemy CHINESE 瞋怒是你主要的敵人
E02. 20190907 1600 (1:48:06) Everything
comes from the mind and essential advice
EW02. 20190907 1600 (1:48:04) Everything
comes from the mind and essential advice TRANSCRIPT
C02. 20190907
1600 (1:48:06) Everything
comes from the mind and essential advice CHINESE一切皆來自於心及基本勸誡
E01. 20190906 1930 (1:46:18) First
subdue one’s own mind then we can benefit others
EW01. 20190906 1930 (1:46:18) First
subdue one’s own mind then we can benefit others TRANSCRIPT (首先調伏自心然後才可利益他人)