喇嘛梭巴仁波切2019年拉脫維雅弘法Teachings from Latvia 2019
地點:Ganden Center, Riga, Latvia
主題:結合五力於此生結束時 The
integration of the 5 powers in life as well as at the time of death.
英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示;若開頭字母C,則表示為中文口譯 (Chinese)。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。這次只有英語檔及英文字幕檔。中文標題是我自己加的。
E01. 20190627 1900 (3:30:55) Lama Chopa. Dharmapractice is best medicine. Benefits of tong-len
EW01. 20190627 1900 (3:30:55) Lama Chopa. Dharma practice is best medicine.Benefits of tong-len (上師薈供;修持佛法是最佳良藥;施受法的利益)
E02. 20190628 1930 (2:55:30) How to become like a sun,beneficial for all and go to enlightenment
EW02. 20190628 1930 (2:55:30) How to become like a sun, beneficial for all andgo to enlightenment (如何成為像太陽一樣,利益一切有情證得佛果)
E03. 20190629 1500 (1:29:23) Benefits of practicingpatience and dangers of anger
EW03. 20190629 1500 (1:29:23) Benefits of practicing patience and dangers ofanger (修持安忍的利益,瞋恚的過患)
E04. 20190629 1800 (2:06:16) Most important: developgood heart. How every action becomes dharma
EW04. 20190629 1800 (2:06:16) Most important: develop good heart. How everyaction becomes dharma (最重要的是:發展善心;如何使每個行為成為佛法)
E05. 20190630 1600 (1:23:51) The nature of samsara issuffering. How to be forever free from this
EW05. 20190630 1600 (1:23:51) The nature of samsara is suffering. How to beforever free from this (輪迴的本質是苦;如何永遠地由此苦中解脫)
E06. 20190630 1800 (2:36:10) All in life ishallucination. Incredible kindness of sentient beings
E06. 20190630 1800 (2:36:10) All in life is hallucination. Incredible kindnessof sentient beings (生活中的一切都是幻相;有情的難以置信的慈恩)