Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching from Kopan Manastery
during the COVID-19 Crisis
目前已上傳的英文影音依日期排列如下,編號開頭字母E,表示為仁波切的英語開示 (English),編號後面的數字,依次為年、月、日、時、(片長)。請按下列標題,即可進行觀看。
E123. 2021/11/4 (1:20:42) Taking Refuge Is Not MerelyReciting Words Like a Robot (皈依非如機器人說話)
E122. 2021/10/30 (1:22:46) It is Good to
Know About the Bön Region (了解苯教也無妨)
E121. 2021/10/23 (1:03:56) Rely on a MindThat Is Upset with Samsara (倚靠抗拒輪迴的決心)
E120. 2021/10/20 (1:18:47) You Tie Yourselfto Samsara (生死之事,是你作繭自縛)
E119. 2021/10/19 (1:22:23) The Sutra
"Going for Refuge to the Arya Three Rare Sublime Ones" (聖三皈依大乘經)
E118. 2021/10/12 (1:19:31) The Merits of
Taking Refuge Don't Fit in the Three-Thousand-Fold Galaxies (縱以三千世界量,亦難承載皈依德)
E117. 2021/10/7 (1:27:59) Don't Think
Taking Refuge Is Something Easy (切莫輕慢皈依)
E116. 2021/10/5 (1:30:00) If You Go forRefuge to Buddha, Buddha Definitely Guides You (你若皈依佛,佛必引導你)
E115. 2021/10/2 (1:27:21) Making Offeringsto Boudha Stupa (向博達大塔獻供)
E114. 2021/9/30 (1:27:05) What to ThinkWhen You Are Depressed (心情憂鬱沮喪時,該如何轉念?)
E113. 2021/9/25 (1:58:03) From WhereDepression Comes (憂鬱症從何處來?)
E112. 2021/9/3 (1:32:43) There Is Nothing More Sublime
Than Practicing the Higher Training of Morality (修行無過戒增上學)
E111. 2021/8/26 (50:04) Being Sangha Is Nota Trip (出家不是一種消遣)
E110. 2021/8/25 (1:25:25) The MostImportant Practice Is to Control Your Mind (最重要的修行,是制禦自心)
E109. 2021/8/24 (1:32:10) Don't Let Your Mind Go
Berserk (別讓自己的心抓狂)
E108. 2021/8/19 (1:30:05) By the Force ofHabituation, You Uncontrollably Engage in Nonvirtue Again (由於習氣使然,你將毫無自主地重複造惡)
E107. 2021/9/4 (1:56:11) Being Attached toSex Has Not Freed You from the Oceans of Samsaric Sufferings (嗜好性慾未曾救你免於生死苦海)
E106. 2021/8/4/ (1:26:39) A Zillion Thanksto the Sangha for Reciting Manis During the Pandemic (感謝僧衆於疫情期間持誦觀音心咒暨口傳諸咒)
E105. 2021/8/3 (1:27:36) Beauty Is inthe Eye of the Beholder (情人眼裡出西施)
E104. 2021/7/31 (47:57) Renounce theThought of Seeing Samsara as a Beautiful Park (應棄觀輪迴為樂園之想)
E103. 2021/7/30 (1:33:11) PracticingMorality Is Easy When You Know Real Pleasure Is a Hallucination (了知世樂如幻時,持戒將毫不費力)
E102. 2021/7/27 (1:00:29) The
Higher Training of Morality Is the Foundation for Helping Sentient Beings (戒增上學是幫助有情的基礎)
E101. 2021/5/14 (1:30:42) Rejoice and EnjoyYour Life as a Sangha! (要隨喜你的出家,好好享受你的出家生活)
E100. 2021/5/11 (1:20:35) The Sangha Arethe Real Heroes Because They Are Defeating the Delusions (出家人是大丈夫、真英雄,因為他們勇於與煩惱交戰)
E99. 2021/5/8 (1:42:58) Western Monks andNuns Are the Real Heroes and Heroines (西方僧尼是大丈夫、真英雄!)
E98. 2021/4/20 (47:05) The Last Session of the
Sutra of "Great Liberation Oral Transmission" (《大解脫經》口傳p278〜圓滿)
E97. 2021/4/9 (1:03:54) Don't Just Squeeze
Your Mind Thinking 'I'm Going to Die' (別再糾結於「我將死去」)
E96. 2021/4/7 (1:18:15) Some Ways in WhichRinpoche Is Benefiting People (仁波切的利生懿行、《大解脫經》口傳p.226〜p252)
E95. 2021/4/6 (1:34:44) Everything You Dowith Bodhichitta Benefits the Six Realm Sentient Beings (由菩提心所攝而做的事,定能利益六道有情)
E94. 2021/4/2 (1:24:19) The NumberlessBuddhas Are Giving You the Oral Transmission (無量諸佛都在為你授口傳,《大解脫經》口傳p182)
E93. 2021/3/31 (1:48:26) Make Prayers byMeans of the Six Remembrances (以「六念」誦經修法)
E92. 2021/3/27 (1:19:36) Make Offerings
Thinking You Are Offering Them to Your Guru's Pores (獻供時,觀想供養自己上師的身毛 )
E91. 2021/3/23 (1:43:43) Make Offerings on
the Anniversary of Your Guru's Passing Away (在上師的圓寂紀念日修供養)
E90. 2020/12/30 (1:34:30) The First VitalPoint Is Recognizing the Object to Be Refuted (首要關鍵是「明辨所遮」)
E89. 2020/12/15 (1:34:12) Everything ThatAppears to You Is Created by Your Ignorance (凡所見聞,皆為你的無明所造)
E88. 2020/12/11 (1:08:54) With Mindfulnessof Emptiness, Your Whole Life Becomes a Birthday Party (若能專念空性,你的一生即是一場生日舞會)
E87. 2020/12/8 (1:38:59) Even by Hearing
the Title of 'Sutra of Great Liberation,' You Say Goodbye to Depression (但聞《大解脫經》經題,即向憂鬱症揮手道別)
E86. 2020/12/3 (1:42:07) When the Real I IsTotally Gone, You Have Entered the Path Pleasing the Buddhas (當「實我」完全絕跡,你即邁進令諸佛歡喜之道)
E85. 2020/12/2 (1:55:51) What Makes a Tablea Table? (几案何以為几案?)
E84. 2020/11/24 (1:21:01) How Does theMerely Labeled I Exist on the Aggregates? (唯被安立的我如何存在蘊上)
E83. 2020/11/18 (38:36) Sutra of GreatLiberation on Lhabab Duchen (關於《大解脫經》)
E82. 2020/11/17 (1:15:46) The Whole WorldExists in Nothing More Than Mere Name (世界,不過就是唯名而有)
E81. 2020/11/13 (1:58:46) UnderstandingEmptiness Is Learning the Truth about Your Life (了解空性,就是了解你的人生真相)
E80. 2020/11/10 (1:39:16) Whatever You AreDoing, It Should Become Meditation on Emptiness (所為皆成空性之禪修)
E79. 2020/11/4 (2:16:56) Holding the I asReal and Most Precious Is the Most Frightening Garbage (執我為實為勝,是最可怕的垃圾)
E78. 2020/10/27 (1:42:15) The Reasons YouNeed to Meditate on the Right View (需修「正見」之理)
E77. 2020/10/24 (1:41:45) 'I Is Empty,
Emptiness Is I' Shows the Meaning of 'Dependent Arising' (「我即是空,空即是我」說明了「緣起」的義理)
E76. 2020/10/21 (1:53:48) Having Even a Little Faith in Emptiness
Is So Fortunate (即使對空性有少分的信心亦是非常幸運)
E75. 2020/10/20 (1:31:27) The Root of Allthe Suffering in the World Is Ignorance (「無明」是世間諸苦之源)
E74. 2020/10/15 (57:28) Anyone Who Listens
to 'Sutra of Great Liberation' Gets the Most Unbelievable Merits (聽聞《大解脫經》者能得最難以置信之功德)
E73. 2020/10/13 (1:35:30) “Sutra of
Great Liberation' Is Exactly What Is Needed at This Dangerous Time (《大解脫經》~正是危機四伏時期之所需)
E72. 2020/10/3 (1:43:14) Practice NowBecause You Can Die Anytime! (現在起修因為你隨時會死)
E71. 2020/9/24 (44:03) What to Do When ThisHappens to You? (發生這事時,你該怎麼辦?)
E70. 2020/9/20 (1:50:54) This Is Going toHappen to You! (這將發生在你!)
E69. 2020/9/15 (1:28:06) Meditating onImpermanence - Death Is the Best Medicine for All Mental Problems (禪修死亡無常,是解決一切情緒問題的妙藥)
E68. 2020/9/12 (1:49:56) The Ten InnermosJewels Show What Holy Dharma Is (噶當十秘財)
E67. 2020/9/9 (1:44:58) The Seven LimbPractice Is the Basic Practice for Achieving Enlightenment (七支修持:成佛的根本法門)
E66. 2020/9/5 (1:59:41) Oral Transmission of
"The Flowing Water of Ganga" (口傳35佛禮懺文長軌《恆河水流》)
E65. 2020/9/1 (1:56:12) All the BuddhasManifest as the Guru in Ordinary Aspect to Guide You (諸佛悉現凡庸上師相來引導你)
E64. 2020/8/27 (1:49:03) With Awareness ofthe Kindness of the Guru, You Generate Respect (由念師恩而生恭敬)
E63. 2020/8/25 (1:49:15) The Work of Seeingthe Guru as a Buddha Has to Come from Your Side (觀師為佛,需要來自你的努力)
E62. 2020/8/21 (1:39:54) Why and How toTake Blessings from a Holy Being (向聖者求取加持的原因和方法)
E61. 2020/8/20 (1:37:42) The One Mistake IsNot Remembering Impermanence Death (錯,就錯在沒憶念死亡)
E60. 2020/8/19 (1:26:25) Living in the TenInnermost Jewels Is the Method to Achieve Happiness (活在噶當十秘財中,是獲得幸福之道)
E59. 2020/8/15 (2:03:00) Subdue Your Mindby Meditating on Death – Impermanence (藉由思惟死亡無常,調御自心)
E58. 2020/8/13 (2:17:49) For OrdinaryBeings, the Meditation on Death - Impermanence Is the Most Important (禪修死無常對凡夫而言最為重要)
E57. 2020/8/11 (1:19:04) Fulfilling the
Guru's Wishes and Advice Is the Most Enjoyable Thing in Life (圓滿上師的心願、依教奉行,是人生最大樂事)
E56. 2020/8/7 (1:48:49) If You Don't
Collect Merits Nothing Will Happen in Your Mind (若不累積福報,你的心中將一無所有)
E55. 2020/7/31 (1:39:02) The Benefits ofKeeping Vows and the Shortcomings of Degenerating Them (持戒的利益、毀戒的過患)
E54. 2020/7/30 (45:07) Wake up: Don't Waste
the Four Holy Days of Guru Shakymuni Buddha (醒醒 ~ 別浪費了導師世尊的四個殊勝日!繼續口傳《大解脫經》)
E53. 2020/7/28 (1:39:21) How Sangha CanProtect Themselves (僧衆該如何保護自己)
E52. 2020/7/25 (1:50:03) Attachment CausesYou to Lose Your Precious Human Life (執著的代價:你將失去珍貴人身)
E51. 2020/7/23 (1:27:38) By HabituatingYourself with Negative Karma, You Do It Again and Again (習於惡業將使你淪為慣犯)
E50. 2020/7/15 (1:37:40) Attachment toPleasure Cheats You (執著慾樂將把你騙得團團轉)
E49. 2020/7/12 (1:57:08) RememberBodhichitta When You Are Dying and the Sangha Are the Real Heroes (臨終莫忘菩提心;僧衆是真英雄)
E48. 2020/7/9 (1:38:43) The Benefits ofTaking the Ordination of Renunciation and Protecting Morality (出家和護戒的功德利益)
E47. 2020/7/7 (1:41:16) This Perfect HumanBody Is So Precious Because You Can Use It to Keep Even One Vow (暇滿人身極其珍貴~你因它而能持戒,哪怕只有一條戒 (繼續口傳大解脫經)
E46. 2020/7/2 (2:00:30) When You RealizeImpermanence, Dharma Becomes Easy (若證無常,修行變得如魚得水)
E45. 2020/6/28 (1:48:47) Without Self
Discipline, It's Like You Throw a Bomb onYour Life (若不自律,無異對自己的人生投射炸彈;口傳《大解脫經》)
E44. 2020/6/25 (1:39:40) Buddhism Has SoMany Ways to Rescue Us from Suffering (佛教有許多除苦之方便 仁波切接著解說《大解脫經》的功德利益,然後繼續口傳該經文)
E43. 2020/6/23 (1:59:55) This Perfect HumanRebirh is So Precious Because You Can Use it to Generate Loving Kindness (暇滿人身極其珍貴~你因它而能培養慈心)
E42. 2020/6/21 (1:30:38) This Perfect HumanBody is So Precious Because You Can Use it to Make Offerings (暇滿人身極其珍貴~你因它而能廣修供養)
E41. 2020/6/19 (1:34:41) You Create GreaterMerit byProstrating to a Holy Object Than by Seeing it (向聖物做大禮拜的功德遠勝於瞻仰之)
E40. 2020/6/17 (1:31:58) This Perfect HumanBody is So Precious Because You Can Use it to Do Prostrations (暇滿人身極為珍貴~你因而能修大禮拜;口傳《大解脫經》之二)
E39. 2020/6/16 (1:49:27) Always Rememberthe Benefits of Correctly Following the Virtuous Friend (常憶念正確依止善友的利益)
E38. 2020/6/13 (1:28:49) Do Your Best inThis Life (今生,就該好好發奮修行;口傳《大解脫經》之一)
E37. 2020/6/12 (1:29:50) One Day Only OurNames Will Be Left (哪天,當自己徒留姓名在人間)
E36. 2020/6/9 (1:42:43) Advicefor Saka Dawa Duchen (關於薩嘎達瓦殊勝月的開示)
E35. 2020/6/5 (1:13:31) How to Avoid
wasting YourLife & Suffering of Pretas (不辜負自己的人生;餓鬼 的痛苦)
2020/6/4 (59:17) Taking the EightMahayana Precepts from Lama Zopa Rinpoche (傳授大乘八關齋戒) (If you want to watch this video, you should take Eight Mahayana Precepts at least once. 若要看此視訊,必須至少受持一天的大乘八關齋戒)
E34. 2020/5/31 (1:35:34) Jealousy
Comes from I-Grasping Ignorance, & We areAll in the Process of Dying (嫉妒因我執無明而生,我們全都走在邁向死亡的路上,無一倖免)
E33. 2020/5/30 (3:16:52) Takingthe Eight Mahayana Precepts in Particular for Those Who Died from theCoronavirus (傳授大乘八關齋戒) (If you want to watch this video, you should
take Eight Mahayana Precepts at least once. 若要看此視訊,必須至少受持一天的大乘八關齋戒)
E32. 2020/5/25 (1:43:18) YouNeed to Know YourOwn Suffering, and Happiness and Suffering Depend on YourInterpretation (了知自身苦;是苦是樂,全因你如何詮釋)
E31. 2020/5/23 (2:03:37) TheWay to Practice LojongIs to Stop Disliking Suffering and Generate Happiness (修心要訣:不排斥痛苦,反生歡喜)
E30. 2020/5/21 (1:32:52) The
Benefits of Bearing Hardships to Follow the Guru &Another Message from God (茹苦依師的利益-來自上帝的另一則訊息)
E29. 2020/5/18 (1:27:21) God'sMessage
& the View of the Self-Cherishing Thought (上帝的訊息-自我愛惜心態的見地)
E28. 2020/5/17 (1:32:03) Everyone
Needs to Take Careof & Subdue Their Mind (人人皆需照顧自心、善調自心)
E27. 2020/5/14 (1:37:56) Happeness
& Suffering Depend on How You Think (苦樂由念生)
E26. 2020/5/12 (1:44:42) Transforming
theMind into Guru Devotion & Renouncing the Eight Worldly dharmas (修依師之心、捨世間八法)
E25. 2020/5/8 (1:22:38) Debate,
Study & Meditation Are for the Purpose of Subduing the Mind (辯經學法與禪修,無不為了調心)
E24. 2020/5/5 (1:26:35) To
Serve the Guru &Sentient Beings You Need to Know the Lamrim (為能上承師長下事有情,你需要了解《道次第》)
E23. 2020/5/2 (1:37:18) HappenessComes from Abandoning Desire (離慾,是幸福臨門的密碼)
E22. 2020/5/1 (1:24:57) The Ten
Innermos Jewels of the Kadampas & Give Up Dersire (噶當十秘財、捨棄慾望)
E21. 2020/4/29 (1:25:47) The Very Beginning Dharma Is Giving Upthe Attachment Clinging to This Life (修行,始於放下對現世的耽著)
E20. 2020/4/28 (1:47:31) If
We Have Been Careful of Karma, There Would be No Reason for the Virus to Happen (若我們曾謹守業果,病毒就不會有發生的理由)
E19. 2020/4/25 (1:39:07) If You Don't Remember Impermanence - Death,
Life Becomes a Trip & Wisdom Eliminates the Obscuration (不憶念無常死亡,你的人生將是一場騙局;智慧能斷除蓋障)
E18. 2020/4/24 (1:32:51) Coronavirus
Leaves Us No Choice But to Develop Compassion & 80,000 Eons of Benefit for
Making Charity (新冠病毒使找們無法不生悲心;布施帶來廣大利益)
E17. 2020/4/22 (1:28:10) Allthe Problems inthe World, Inculing the Coronivirus, Are Telling Us o PracticeDharma (全球的所有危機與問題,都在敦促我們實修佛法)
E16. 2020/4/20 (1:27:22) If you
want to Guide & Help Others, Exchange Yourself with Others (如果你真想助人、引導他人,應互換自他)
E15. 2020/4/19 (1:22:26) Use
Pleasure & Suffering to Achieve Enlightenment & Experience the Virus for
Numberless Sentient Beings (善用苦樂作為成佛的工具;感染病毒,也是為了有情)
E14. 2020/4/17 (1:34:18) Don't
make your life Garbage & the Buddha's Teachings are Unbetraying (佛法無欺;別把自己的人生搞得像垃圾)
E13. 2020/4/16 (1:27:07) Sentient
Beings Come Before God & Mantras to Benefit Others (先有情而後上帝;利益有情的真言)
E12. 2020/4/14 (1:20:52) Conclusion
is 'Subdue One's Own Mind' (結論是「調伏自心」)
E11. 2020/4/12 (1:08:35) Four
Causes of Unknowing & the Four Dharmakaya Relic Heart Mantras (四種無知之因;喇嘛梭巴仁波切口傳)
E10. 2020/4/11 (1:06:34) BodhichittaIs the Most Eminent and the Five Powerful Mantras (菩提心是最傑出;五種具力真言)
E09. 2020/4/10 (1:22:53) Your
Generating Bodhichitta Helps EverySentient Being & Lung of a Short Medicine
Buddha Practice (你的菩提心能幫助所有有情;喇嘛梭巴仁波切口傳《上師藥師佛修誦簡軌》)
E08. 2020/4/8 (1:05:53) All of
One's Suffering Comes from Wishing Happiness for Oneself (一切痛苦來自唯想自己獨樂)
E07. 2020/4/7 (1:27:04) Introducing
the Merey Labeled I & Self Chershing / Advice to Help the Dying (給臨終者的忠告,口傳臨終8咒 / 簡介「我」僅為名言安立&幫助臨終者的勸誡)
E06. 2020/4/5 (1:11:46) Tong-LenPractice (施受法)
E05. 2020/4/4 (2:19:36) Tong-Len
& Emptiness (施受法與空性)
E04. 2020/4/2 (1:14:36) Introduction
to Lojong & Tonglen (簡介修心與施受法)
E03. 2020/3/31 (50:33) Motivation
& Oral Transmission for Success (能遏止冠狀病毒及帶來成功之《八聖吉祥祈請文》之口傳及其發心)
E02. 2020/3/26 (16:14) LZR's Advice to a Person Who is Dying 給臨終者的忠告;口傳臨終8咒)
E01. 2020/3/20 (1:24:04) LZR's Advice for Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) (金剛鎧甲咒及薩迦除疫祈請文、消弭戰禍諦語祈願文、平息飢荒恐懼的祈願文)