2021年9月11日 星期六

喇嘛梭巴仁波切2017美國弘法Lama Zopa Rinpoche teachings in USA 2017

Lama Zopa Rinpoche teachings in USA 2017


英語視訊有兩種,早先皆為純英語,後來有仁波切的資深西方隨行弟子同步打上英文字幕。因此編號開頭字母E,表示純英語 (English);若有英文字幕,則以EW (Scripted English) 表示。只要是同一場開示,則採用同一編號。




地點一:Thubten Norbu Ling, Santa Fe, NM, USA
preliminary teachings before giving Vajrasattva
initiation (2017/8/9 – 13)

E01. 20170809 1900 (2:47:16) Motivation and Manjrushri Jenang (調整動機及文殊隨許灌頂前行開示)

E02. 20170810 1900 (2:45;45) Motivation and Vajrasattva Jenang (調整動機及金剛薩埵隨許灌頂前行開示)

E03. 20170812 1900 (3:12:51) Motivaton and Great Medicine Buddha initiation (調整動機及藥師佛大灌頂前行開示)

E04. 20170813 1900 (49:31) Motivaton and Great Medicine Buddha initiation (調整動機及藥師佛大灌頂前行開示)


地點二:Kadampa Center, Raleigh, NC, USA
主題:菩提道光閉關 (2017/8/22 – 9/17)
Teachings from Light of the Path, NC, USA 2017


喇嘛梭巴仁波切的菩提道光閉關開示,於2017年是第五年。此次開示有德欽法師中文口譯 (僅翻譯仁波切開示的部分)


E01. 20170821 1530 (2:32:11) Guru Devotion. Oral transmission of Essential Nectar
EW01. 20170821 1530 (2:22:06) Guru Devotion. Oral transmission of EssentialNectar
C01. 20170821 1530 (2:23:31) [

E02. 20170821 1930 (2:31:46) Prayers
EW02. 20170821 1930 (1:17:14) Prayers
C02. 20170821 1930 (1:18:15) [

E03. 20170822 1600 (1:33:37) Merely labelled I. All comes from the mind. Meditationon emptiness
EW03. 20170822 1600 (1:31:07) Merely labelled I. All comes from the mind.Meditation on emptiness
C03. 20170822 1600 (1:31:42) [

E04. 20170823 1930 (2:18:40) Refuge and holy objects - short Medicine Buddha puja
EW04. 20170823 1930 (2:17:58) Refuge and holy objects - short Medicine Buddhapuja
C04. 20170823 1930 (2:17:47) [
音檔:歸依及聖物 - 藥師佛簡軌修法]

E05. 20170824 1600 (1:29:21) No phenomena truly exists. Oral transmission EssentialNectar
E05. 20170824 1600 (1:22:10) No phenomena truly exists. Oral transmissionEssential Nectar (

E06. 20170824 1930 (2:28:22) Cherishing the enemy and oral transmission EssentialNectar
EW06. 20170824 1930 (2:25:27) Cherishing the enemy and oral transmissionEssential Nectar (

E07. 20170825 1930 (3:38:15) Stories from Lawudo. Motivation for Drugchuma. ContinueTransmission
EW07. 20170825 1930 (3:29:52) Stories from Lawudo. Motivation for Drugchuma.Continue Transmission (
C07b. 20170825 1930 (35:37) [

E08. 20170826 1930 (2:50:54) Living a hallcination, how to think in retreat
EW08. 20170826 1930 (2:49:30) Living a hallcination, how to think in retreat
C08. 20170826 1930 (2:49:21)

E09. 20170827 1930 (3:25:08) Suffering lower realms and emptiness
EW09. 20170827 1930 (3:23:59) Suffering lower realms and emptiness
C09a. 20170827 1930 (2:56:31)
C09b. 20170827 1930 (45:05)

E10. 20170828 1930 (2:52:32) Bodhichitta motivation and Emptiness
EW10. 20170828 1930 (2:48:58) Bodhichitta motivation and Emptiness
C10a. 20170828 1930 (3:00:03)
C10b. 20170828 1930 (17:53)

E11. 20170830 1930 (3:32:27) Emptiness. It is enemy who gives you enlightenment
EW11. 20170830 1930 (3:29:25) Emptiness. It is enemy who gives youenlightenment
C11. 20170830 1930 (3:35:39)

E12. 20170831 0930 (1:23:28) Lama Chopa Tsog - puja led by Ven.Sarah
EW12. 20170831 0930 (1:20:28) Lama Chopa Tsog - puja led by Ven.Sarah
C12. 20170831 0930 (1:23:28)
(上師薈供短軌 - Ven.Sarah領誦)

E13. 20170831 1600 (1:20:45) Benefits of reading, writing, teaching even one verse of emptiness
EW13. 20170831 1600 (1:17:14)
Benefits of reading, writing, teaching even one verse of emptiness (讀、寫、教導空性乃至一偈的利益)

E14. 20170831 1930 (1:45:02) How to benefit children. Oral transmissions and continue Lama Chopa
EW14. 20170831 1930 (1:41:02)
How to benefit children. Oral transmissions and continue Lama Chopa
C14. 20170831 1930 (1:45:02)

E15. 20170901 1930 (2:38:19) Importance of Vajra Cutter Sutra. Root of the Path GuruDevotion
EW15. 20170901 1930 (2:32:40) Importance of Vajra Cutter Sutra. Root of thePath Guru Devotion
C15. 20170901 1930 (2:38:19)

E16. 20170902 1930 (2:34:21) Meaning of ultimate guru. Verses on Bodhicitta, verse from Nagarjuna
EW16. 20170902 1930 (2:19:22)
Meaning of ultimate guru. Verses on Bodhicitta, verse from Nagarjuna
C16. 20170902 1930 (2:34:11)

E17. 20170904 1930 (3:31:15) Bodhichitta. Verses to satisfy sentient beings. How towork for FPMT
EW17. 20170904 1930 (3:22:55) Bodhichitta. Verses to satisfy sentient beings.How to work for FPMT
C17. 20170904 1930 (3:31:15)

EW18. 20170905 1930 (1:22:29) A practice session with Ksitigarbha mantra (LZR not present) 地藏菩薩咒修法 (喇嘛梭巴仁波切未參加)

E19. 20170906 1500 (2:42:36) Power of prayers, practices and pujas for obstacleslike hurricans
E19. 20170906 1500 (2:42:36) Power of prayers, practices and pujas forobstacles like hurricans (

E20. 20170906 1930 (4:01:15) Translation and commentary on verses on Satisfy SB andon bodhicitta
EW20. 20170906 1930 (1:44:25) Translation and commentary on verses on SatisfySB and on bodhicitta
C20. 20170906 1930 (4:01:15)

E21. 20170907 1930 (2:53:09) Apply lamrim, lojong in daily life. Benefits of vows. Kindness of SB
EW21. 20170907 1930 (2:47:33)
Apply lamrim, lojong in daily life. Benefits of vows. Kindness of SB
C21. 20170907 1930 (2:53:09)

E22. 20170908 1930 (2:57:10) Why start dharma centers. Compassion helps. Aboutnatural desasters
EW22. 20170908 1930 (2:51:29) Why start dharma centers. Compassion helps. Aboutnatural desasters
C22. 20170908 1930 (2:57:10)

E23. 20170909 1930 (3:06:36) Bodhicitta subdues the mind. Danger of anger
EW23. 20170909 1930 (3:06:36)
Bodhicitta subdues the mind. Danger of anger (菩提心調伏己心;瞋心的危害)

E24. 20170910 1930 (3:25:41) Khunu Lama: in praise of Bodhicitta. Benefits 35Buddhas
EW24. 20170910 1930 (3:20:57) Khunu Lama: in praise of Bodhicitta. Benefits 35Buddhas
C24. 20170910 1930 (3:25:41)

E25. 20170911 1930 (3:57:46) Commentary on verse of Bodhicitta. Praise to satisfysentient beings
EW25. 20170911 1930 (3:20:11) Commentary on verse of Bodhicitta. Praise tosatisfy sentient beings
C25. 20170911 1930 (3:57:46)

E26. 20170913 1600 (1:27:50) Best protection for all beings: verses on bodhicitta.Guru devotion
EW26. 20170913 1600 (1:12:01) Best protection for all beings: verses onbodhicitta. Guru devotion (

E27. 20170913 1930 (3:14:43) Explanation of 4 maras and Mane Ha dong. How to preventobstacles
EW27. 20170913 1930 (3:13:16) Explanation of 4 maras and Mane Ha dong. How toprevent obstacles
C27. 20170913 1930 (3:14:43)

E28. 20170915 1500 (1:20:09) Long life puja and why do them. How to visualize offerings numberless (長壽法會以及為何要舉行長壽法會;如何觀想獻上無數供品)

E29. 20170915 1700 (1:02:15) Request to Rinpoche. Stories about Rinpoche's early childhood. (祈請仁波切;關於仁波切童年的故事)

E30. 20170915 1930 (2:52:39) Meeting Lama Yeshe and other Lamas. Story of Buxa
EW30. 20170915 1930 (2:51:55)
Meeting Lama Yeshe and other Lamas. Story of Buxa
C30. 20170915 1930 (2:52:38) (

E31. 20170916 1930 (5:40:39) How to realize emptiness. Refuge and reason to take refuge.
EW31. 20170916 1930 (5:41:08)
How to realize emptiness. Refuge and reason to take refuge. (如何實證空性;歸依以及歸依之理由)


